Peer review is any activity that involves an individual getting feedback from someone else. In this situation, we’ll be referring to a writer getting feedback from a peer who reads their draft.

同行评议是写作团体中使用的一种做法, academia and many professional enterprises because of the valuable insight it provides writers and readers. It is a good practice to engage students in group exercises as it provides many valuable opportunities.

  • Writers can find out how readers understand their writing.
  • Writers learn and refine important skills for collaboration and personal expression.
  • 作家改进想法和草稿.
  • 写作要练习复习原则.
  • 和更多的!

Below you will find some helpful suggestions for conducting peer review activities in any classroom.


Schedule specific dates on your course calendar for peer review sessions 在学期开始的时候. It can be a great idea to include a mock session on the calendar as well. This can help acclimate students and model your expectations for peer reviews before your students engage in it.

给出有重点的、可操作的指令 对于本节课. 期望越清晰, the better your chances are of facilitating a successful peer review session. We strongly advise having students fill out some kind of peer response form. 这是一个同伴回应表格的例子.

By encouraging your students to fill out a peer response form you’ll help create accountability in the peer review process, provide context to keep reviewers focused on what you value in responses (rather than grammatical corrections), and the writer will have a form to refer back to rather than trying to remember the feedback on their own.

计划好你的同行评议日. 和任何课程一样,同侪评议日需要计划. 考虑一下你希望你的团队有多大. 皇冠官网网站建议将小组人数限制在3人以内, 这样学生们就能看到另外两个人的草稿了, 这样每个人都有足够的时间接受反馈. Create the peer review form and make notes of anything you want to emphasize when you share the forms with the students. Think about how you’ll present the peer review day to the students.

  • 解释群体是如何形成的.
  • 解释你对时间的期望.
  • 解释对反馈表格的期望.
  • Explain what revisions you hope students will make from this feedback.

指导学生携带多份纸质材料 在指定的日子上课. They should have one copy for each person in their group. This is a great time to mention that they can print in the computer labs on campus, 或者在写作中心!

For online classes, have the students make a virtual copy for each peer review partner.  Have them add the name of the reviewer to each peer-reviewed draft. It is a good idea to use a “suggest changes” here so the students can see what changes the reviewers have made.

为学生的同侪评议日设定期望. Let the students know ahead of time that a peer review date is coming up. Share with them your guidelines for the peer review process. This can be a good time to model how you give feedback and how students can give helpful, 给同事高层次的反馈.

Consider if and how you might offer credit for peer review activities. Some instructors require students to include completed peer response forms when turning in their assignments. Others ask students to provide evidence of how the feedback from peer review sessions was incorporated in their revisions. And some professors request both proof or revisions and peer review sheets as part of the student’s final submission.


允许一个完整的课堂时间用于该活动. 皇冠官网网站所说的整堂课是指大约50-75分钟.

考虑在训练过程中安排好时间. 由这个, we mean allow 15 minutes for quiet reading so all students can read the papers and complete the feedback forms without rushing. Then give 15 minutes for writers to read the feedback forms and discuss them with  peer reviewers. This can help guide students to know exactly what they’re supposed to be doing.

让学生找到一个安静的空间一起学习. It can sometimes be helpful to let students move out into hallways or common areas so your classroom doesn’t get too loud. 这可以帮助一些学生更好地集中注意力.

Encourage students to provide written and verbal feedback 彼此,轮流. 而回应表格可以帮助引导讨论, it is likely the discussion will go beyond the questions on the form.

监控组. It’s important to take note of how the peer review sessions are going. Some students might need some extra encouragement and guidance to get the most out of their peer review sessions.


Dedicate time during the next class to evaluate the peer review session collectively. 提供你自己的观察. 询问学生的经历. This can be helpful for refining and creating more meaningful peer review sessions in the future.

对学生的反馈进行反馈. We’re all learning how to become better writers and readers, so why not give students feedback on their feedback-giving skills? Take note of the things that they noted that were most helpful, and areas of opportunity. By providing feedback on the peer response form, you’ll be nurturing 创造力、批判性思维和语言表达能力.


Learn more about the peer review experience in this video by MIT Comparative 媒体 Studies and Writing program.

Have any additional questions about conducting peer review sessions? 伸出手去 (电子邮件保护). The 写作中心 is here to support you and your students. You can even request a consultant join you on your peer review day to help support your students!