10月. 28, 2020


Students, 教职员工,

As leaders of the Auraria Campus, we take great pride in our Auraria community and are committed to the well-being of our students, 教职员工, and to protecting everyone’s right to freedom of speech, 表达式, 请愿书, religion and peaceful assembly.

We are also committed to ensuring that all individuals who wish to make their voices heard on our campus can do so in a safe environment. In fact, we encourage you to do so! Engaging in our civic discourse is not only your right, it is our responsibility as members of this community.

As you do, we want to remind you how to engage in protest or demonstration. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Colorado has provided resources so that you can “了解你的权利当你参与其中时.

Safety is and always has been our number one mission. It is our hope that any demonstrations that occur in the wake of the presidential election on Nov. 3 remain peaceful and productive. Vital information will be communicated to keep our Auraria family informed through RAVE text alerts, 电子邮件, social media and website updates.

During this time, we ask that you continue to check our website, as well as the Auraria Higher Education Center’s website, for pertinent updates. We will work diligently to ensure that you are provided with the important information needed to stay safe in the coming weeks.




Everette Freeman, Ed.D.

President | Community College of 丹佛


Janine Davidson, Ph.D.

President | Metropolitan State University of 丹佛


Michelle Marks, Ph.D.

Chancellor | University of Colorado 丹佛



Chief Executive Officer | Auraria Higher Education Center